Sunday, August 31, 2014

RetroKork - Airport '94

Well, this is a game I was not really aware of before I played it. So, instead of nostalgia goggles, I'll probably have to wear aviator goggles, right?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

RetroKork Deutsch - Asterix und Obelix

Nach der letzten deutschsprachigen Folge (und der Frustration über den Parser in dem Spiel) hier erneut ein Text-Grafik-Adventure. Diesmal sind Asterix und Obelix auf einer Reise. Nach Mesopotamien.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

RetroKork - Ski or Die

Today I look at the successor to last episode's title "Skate Or Die": Ski Or Die (or is it "Ski or Die", like I put in the episode title? I don't know).

Sunday, August 10, 2014

RetroKork Deutsch - Die Unendliche Geschichte

Maurer Software: Klingt ja eher nach einer Firma, die Programme für Bauunternehmer produziert. Das stimmt allerdings nicht, denn Herr Maurer hat eine Computer-Umsetzung des Buches "Die Unendliche Geschichte" programmiert.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

RetroKork - Skate or Die

The 1980s were the one of the high times for Breakdancing (though that's not today's topic as I covered that already) and - as this episode's title already suggests - Skateboarding.
I talk about Electronic Arts' game on the latter.