Sunday, December 29, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Space Business

Heute geht's ins All.... in gewisser Weise jedenfalls. Schließlich schicken wir in "Space Business" Satelliten hoch... Hoffentlich.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

RetroKork - RMS Titanic

Today, we're looking at a game where the focal point is one of the best-known accidents in the naval history. After all, I'm talking about "RMS Titanic" for the Commodore 64.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - System 65595

Heute hacken wir uns durch ein Computersystem (mit Erlaubnis der Betreiber). Allerdings ist so ein Weg stets ein wenig schwierig - insbesondere in "System 65595".

Sunday, December 8, 2013

RetroKork - Rags to Riches

Today, we live the american dream... well, kind of. You see, this game is a "Hobo-simulator" to some degree. But we're willing to make it big - or to say it otherwise, go from Rags to Riches.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Werkstatt

Heute geht's wieder einmal (nach Funny Cars) um's Auto. Genauer gesagt geht's um die Hege & Pflege von Autos sowie den Gebrauchtwagenmarkt. Aber die Frage ist, ist "Werkstatt" ein qualitativ hochwertiges Spiel - oder sollte der 64er vom Hof bleiben?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

RetroKork - Outlaw(s)

Today it's time to hit the west... again. Because we're going to take a look at Outlaw... well, multiple Outlaws...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Top Secret

Heute ist es Zeit, sich als Geheimagent zu probieren. Ist zwar nicht Impossible Mission - und erst recht nicht "Mission:Impossible", aber es ist streng geheim. Oder "Top Secret", wie man's ja international bezeichnet. Nur... das Spiel ist in deutscher Sprache.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

RetroKork - Mayhem in Monsterland

What happens when you have a yellow dinosaur running around at the speed of... well, Mayhem? We'll find out in this review on Mayhem in Monsterland.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Bottrop (The Game)

Tach. Heute geht's um Bottrop. Nicht nur Bottrop-Kirchhellen (wir sind ja nicht im Movie-Park), sondern ganz Bottrop. Ich werde nämlich über "Bottrop (The Game)" reden.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

RetroKork - Hot Wheels

Today we're playing with toy cars. But not any toy cars as the title already tells you: We're playing with Hot Wheels toy cars in "Hot Wheels" for the Commodore 64.
By the way: The intro is now quite a lot shorter.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Das Magazin

Heute ist's mal wieder Zeit für eine deutschsprachige Wirtschaftssimulation. In dieser gründet man eine Computerzeitschrift. Warum ich das alles jetzt schon erzähle? Weil es diesmal um "Das Magazin" von Ariolasoft geht.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

RetroKork - The Bard's Tale 3 and Construction Set

Well, all good things must come to an end... So this is the end of our trip through the world of The Bard's Tale. And not only ours, but that of our heroes, too.

So, yes, here we are with "The Bard's Tale III: The Thief Of Fate" and the "Bard's Tale Construction Set", which I mistakenly called "Construction Kit" sometimes.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Moving some things around here...

In case you haven't heard it yet: is "slimming down" its offering of various shows again and this time I didn't make the cut.

That means that over the next few days, things may be a little rough around here as I replace blip videos with their YouTube equivalents.
The reason for the end of my stint at blip is that I alledgedly am not up to their Terms of Service - especially the flexible and bendable part of "high quality".

So, yeah - I'll have to fully move back to YouTube. Hold onto your hats and... see you on sunday, hopefully.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Steigenberger Hotelmanager

Nachdem es letztes Mal um die Wirtschaftssimulation "Hotel" ging, geht's heute um die Alternative dazu. Heute rede ich schließlich über den Steigenberger Hotelmanager.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

RetroKork - The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny Knight

After I have spoken about the first Bard's Tale (see here), it now is time for me to speak about the second installment: The Destiny Knight, written and produced by Michael Cranford.
I only remember this from when I played it on an MS-DOS PC in EGA.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Hotel

Heute geht's mal wieder auf deutsch zu... und ums Hotel, wie der Titel ja schon verrät. Hält das Spiel von Ariolasoft, was es verspricht?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

RetroKork - The Bard's Tale

Today I take a look at one of the defining games in the genre of role-playing games... and as far as I know, not only for computers (or the NES): The Bard's Tale by Interplay, published by Electronic Arts (back when their logo had the C and their business practices seemed more sensible)... But this video is not on the Commodore 64... well, not primarily - it's on the MS-DOS version.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Movie Business

Wenn Spiele sich mit Filmen beschäftigen, ist das ja schon nicht unbedingt schlecht. Wenn's um Filmproduktionen geht... ist das auch kein schlechtes Thema für eine Wirtschaftssimulation. Aber die Umsetzung kann schwer daneben gehen. Wie macht sich aber "Movie Business"?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

RetroKork - World Games

What happens when you've exhausted all Winter and Summer Games? If you're Epyx, today's game is the solution: Sports done all around the globe, all held together by a very, very weak unifying thread... Or as I like to call it: "World Games".

Sunday, August 25, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Funny Cars

Heute geht's um des Deutschen angeblich liebstes Kind. Nein, nicht Bier sondern das Auto. Um genau zu sein geht es um ein Spiel in dem man einen Autohändler spielt.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

RetroKork - Agricola

So far we had Verlies, Mafia and Kaiser as german games. Today's game is german as well: It's Agricola, which rhymes with Afri-Cola, but is in no way related to it. It's also not an adaptation of the board game. But I believe that you can play it even when you're not a native speaker.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Fernseh-Sender

MAD TV ist die bekannteste Version einer TV-Sender-Simulation. Da stellt sich die Frage, ob Fernseh-Sender an MAD TV erinnert - oder ob es seinen eigenen, drögeren Weg geht.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

RetroKork - Space Taxi

What happens when you mix a game themed about Taxis... and the arcade game Lunar Lander? I am convinced it's today's game, "Space Taxi", released by MUSE Software in 1984 for the Commodore 64.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Chicago

Diese Woche in der deutschsprachigen Ausgabe von RetroKork entfliehen wir in den US-Bundesstaat Illinois. Die Stadt, in der das heutige Spiel angesiedelt ist, ist heutzutage vermutlich bekannter für ein Musical mit dem gleichen Namen - oder für bekannte Persönlichkeiten: Chicago.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

RetroKork - Leaderboard

Today I'm talking about a game that is slower paced than most computer games - because it's a game about golf. I am of course talking about "Leaderboard" aka "Leader Board".

Thursday, July 18, 2013

DerKork - BroCon VLog

Filmed on location (if the location is Limerick), it's my Vlog on BroCon 2013. I liked it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Wahlkampf

Auch wenn schon Dienstag ist: Hier die neueste Folge der deutschsprachigen RetroKork reviews. Diesmal geht's um den Wahlkampf... in "Wahlkampf" und "Wahlkampf 2".

Sunday, July 7, 2013

RetroKork - Asterix and the Magic Cauldron

In this episode of RetroKork we're looking at a european comic series. It has been as influential as Tintin, Spirou et Fantasio... but it's Asterix. Asterix and the Magic Cauldron, to be exact.
(Also known in the US as Ardok the Barbarian - I'm talking of the game, of course.)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Werner Mach Hin

In dieser Ausgabe von RetroKork geht's um die Comicfigur Werner - und das erste Spiel, für das er offiziell lizensiert wurde: Werner! Mach hin!

Die Hauptfrage ist natürlich: Ist das Spiel gut?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

RetroKork - Spaghetti Western Simulator

In the conclusion of Western Month, we take a look at a game that claims to be a "Spaghetti Western Simulator", but does it hold up?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Glücksrad

In dieser Folge geht's wie der Titel schon verrät, um das Spiel zur TV-Spielshow Glücksrad... Wobei das Spiel ohne Frederic Meißner oder Peter Bond auskommen muss.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

RetroKork - Western Games

In this episode we're looking at the west... by going there... well, in a way. But what do we find there? Well, Saloons, deserts and... Western Games.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Supergame

Also, in dieser Folge fehlen mir echt die Worte... Weil "Supergame" irgendwie... unbeschreiblich ist.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

RetroKork - Mission Elevator

The FBI is under pressure as it has been infiltrated by enemy operatives. Said enemy set up a bomb in a hotel - and captured the guy who was sent to disarm it. To keep everything from blowing up in everyone's face, you are taking on this mission.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Der Verlassene Planet

In diesem Text-Grafikadventure soll man eigentlich einen fremden Planeten erforschen... eigentlich. Aber dummerweise geht schon am Anfang alles schief und man landet irgendwie nur 2000 Jahre in der Zukunft: Die Post-Apokalypse ist da...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

RetroKork - Doctor Who Games

Today, I take a look at two games produced for one of the best known BBC franchises from the 1980s (and today, but I'm not covering that portion) in that I will look at two classic Doctor Who games for the Commodore 64: Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror (from 1986) and Dalek Attack from 1992.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Bundesliga Manager 2.0

Fußball ist unser Leben... jedenfalls, wenn man sich die Sportsendungen so anschaut. Aber wie wäre es, einmal selbst im Sattel zu sitzen und einen Verein zu leiten? Das kann man in einem der ersten "Goldstandards" für solche Simulationen: Bundesliga Manager 2.0

Sunday, April 28, 2013

RetroKork - Break Dance (and Break Street)

In the 1980s, Breakdancing (or breaking, b-boying/b-girling as the more professional participants prefer to call it) was basically a widespread craze going alongside the rise of hip hop as a musical genre into mainstream. And of course that meant we had to get video games on that topic. Video games for the Commodore 64 in this case.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Computershop

Auch wenn's wieder mal 'ne Wirtschaftssimulation ist - Computershop ist ganz anders als Hanse oder Vermeer. Zunächst einmal spielt es in der (damaligen) Jetztzeit und außerdem ist das simulierte Marktverhalten sehr... speziell.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

RetroKork - Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle

Today's game is quite a bit different: It has a japanese theme (which none of the previous games had), is a remake of a ZX Spectrum game and... it's from 2010.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Hanse

Nachdem es letztes Mal um Ralf Glau und sein Spiel Vermeer ging, behandelt diese Folge die Hanse. Das ist ja bekanntlich die Vereinigung der niederdeutschen Handelsleute... Desweiteren ist's ein Spiel für den Commodore 64 - von Ralf Glau (und Bernd Westphal).

Sunday, March 31, 2013

RetroKork - SEUCK

Today I'm not talking about a game, but a program with which you can create games... well, a specific kind of game: Shoot'em Ups. So that is why today I talk about "Shoot'em Up Construction Kit" - or SEUCK.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Vermeer

Vermeer war zwar der Nachname mehrerer flämischer Maler, aber im Zusammenhang mit Computerspielen im Allgemeinen und dem Commodore 64 im Speziellen kann nur das "Bildersammelspiel" mit starkem Wirtschaftssimulationsaspekt gemeint sein. Warum "Bildersammelspiel"? Naja, wegen Onkel Walter...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

RetroKork - System 15000

In this episode of RetroKork we take a look at a system intrusion-based videogame that is pretty much one of a kind. Because unlike the Hacker series, it looks at least somewhat realistic and is a whole lot more immersive. The game? Well, it's "System 15000" for the Commodore 64, of course.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

RetroKork Deutsch - Imperator

[For international audiences: This is the german language series.]

In dieser allerersten Folge der deutschen Ausgabe von RetroKork wird über ein Spiel gesprochen, das quasi eine Light-Ausgabe von "Kaiser" ist. Ich meine natürlich "Imperator" von Thomas R.A. Wolf.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

RetroKork - Beach-Head

In this video we'll discuss the finer tactics... okay, this isn't a strategy game, so finer tactics are only minimally applicable in "Beach-Head".

Seriously, this could be called "Invasion: The Movie: The Game" - a term that I only just came up with.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How One Can Do It: Prop Newspaper

In this video I explain how I created the prop newspaper for the RetroKork episode on Paperboy as well as what I would do now. I hope that you can take some ideas for your own prop newspapers - feel free to let me know.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

RetroKork - Accolade Comics

Today, we're not reading a comic book (that's for other people to do) - instead I'm talking about what Accolade claimed was a "living comic book": Accolade Comics - basically a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story combined with minigames, made to look like a comic book.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

DerKork - A Vlog

In this video I talk about a lot of things... And while editing, I commented on a few of my statements, either because they were unclear or because in editing I thought them to be awkward at least.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

RetroKork - Road Runner

What happens when you put two Warner Bros. Cartoon characters in an arcade game, then take the arcade game and put it in a Commodore 64?

Obviously, you get "Road Runner", the game in which you are the fastest bird alive... in animation, at least.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Audio Commentary: RetroKork - Dragon's Lair game series

Well, this is it, the last of the regular bi-weekly audio commentaries.

This one is on my "Dragon's Lair" Series episode. With apologies that due to my cough, I can't always add insightful views on things.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

RetroKork - Outrun Europa

Instead of the advertised "Outrun Europe" you get the next best thing: Outrun Europa. And yes, it's a US Gold sequel for the Commodore 64 series.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Audio Commentary: RetroKork - Turbo Outrun

In this episode I watch my episode on Turbo Outrun (or Turbo Out Run) along with you. And unlike previous episodes, I'm not sure I have much to say.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

RetroKork - The Last V8

The year is 2008. The world lies in ruins since the atom bombs fell in 2001. You own the last V8 and try to rescue the last remnants of mankind that survived the apocalypsoapocalypse and bring them back to your shielded bunker.