Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RetroKork - Little Computer People

Sorry about the delayed release of the episode, but I'm currently moving so... yeah.

Anyways: Did you know that in your computer there lives a small person? No? Well, it's not really really true but it's the premise of today's (or better to say: monday's) game: Little Computer People.

Monday, February 7, 2011

RetroKork - BurgerTime

Umm, what would you do if you wanted to make burgers but are too small to handle the ingredients? One way to overcome that problem is shown in the arcade game BurgerTime - and its weak Commodore 64 port.

Kork Scenes

I had a craving to produce videos that are not reviews at all but more like short films.

So I created the series "Kork Scenes", which as of today contains two videos (who are behind the break):